Friday, September 28, 2007

Multi Org


Over View Of Multi Org

Use a single installation of any Oracle Applications product to support any number of organizations, even if those organizations use different sets of books.


MultiOrg or Multiple Organizations Architecture allows multiple operating units and their relationships to be defined within a single installation of oracle Applications. This keeps each operating unit's transaction data separate and secure.


It determines the relationships among various organizations within an enterprise. It dictates the transaction flow through different organization and how these organizations interact with each other.

Multi Org Structure

Based on the business needs of the enterprise and the inbuilt Org-structure in the applications the different Hierarchy-levels are defined.

The levels are - Business Groups, Set of Books, Legal Entities, Operating Units and Inventory Organizations.Other definitions include Balancing Entity, Process Organization, Item Organization, HR Organization, and Organization for Oracle Projects and Oracle Assets.

It also determines the access level of each oracle application module.

The Hierarchy Of Multi_Org Can depicted as follows.

Business Group


Set Of Books


Legal Entity


Operating Unit


Inventory Organization


Sub Inventory


Stock Location



Let me explain each of the components in Multi_Org Structure.

Business Group

It represents the highest level in Organization Structure–a consolidated Enterprise.

The application secures human resource information by business group.

The HR Organization is defined and attached to Business Group. That is, when you request for a list of employees, you see all employees assigned to the business group of which your organization is a part.

Set of Books

It determines the Chart of Accounts,Currency and Calendar that would be used by the financial reporting entity.

General Ledger is considered as heart of Oracle application modules and secures information by set of books.

The Set of books defined are attached to each organization and responsibility that you define in the application to establish relationship for updating transactions.

Legal Entity

It represents a legal company for which you prepare fiscal and tax reports.

A Business Group can have one or more Legal Entities.

The Set of Books that you define for the Financial Reporting Entity is assigned to a Legal Entity.

The multiple reporting currency features in application allows you to record and maintain accounting records in more than one functional currency by creating reporting set of books in addition to primary set of books.

Oracle Applications such as General Ledger, Oracle Inventory, OPM Inventory, OPM Financials and Oracle Assets Operate at Legal Entity Level. Each user can see information of all the organizations within a Legal entity.

The application provides for restricting access to inventory user by organization.

Balancing Entity

It represents the accounting entity for which you prepare financial statements.

This is a segment in Accounting Flex field structure at which all accounting entries must balance.

A legal entity can have one or more Balancing entities.

Flex field Value security rules can be used to restrict data entry of balancing segment by operating unit.

Operating Unit

It represents a division or department in an enterprise.

It is associated to Set of Books and Legal Entity.

A Legal entity can have one or more Operating Units.

It is referred as a ‘Company’ in OPM applications.

Oracle Applications such as Order Management, Purchasing, Payables, Receivables and Cash Management secure information by Operating Unit. Each user can see information only for their operating Units.


It represents a Manufacturing Plant or Parent organization for a group of warehouses. The Item Master organization is also defined at this level.

It is referred as Process Organization in OPM applications.

It is referred as Master Organization in India localization set-ups – a level at which excise records are maintained.

All Organizations are associated to Set of Books, Legal Entity and Operating Unit.

Inventory Organization

It represents a warehouse, a distribution center, a Sale office and any other organization for which you track inventory transactions and balances.

It is associated to Set of books, Legal entity and Operating Unit.

The parent organization/process organization under which it is created is also assigned.

The Process enabled flag determines whether it is OPM Warehouse or a Discrete warehouse.

You also specify the Item Master organization from which it can derive item information.

In India Localization set-ups, the Master organization to which this warehouse is attached is also defined for consolidation of Excise records.

You have to choose an organization classified as inventory organization to run application like Oracle Inventory and Purchase receiving functions.

Organizations in number

(In most of the Implementations)

Business Group - 1

Legal Entity - 1

Operating Units - 2-3

Organizations - 25-50

Inventory Organizations - 300-500

Technical Aspects:

Multi_Org Tables:

In Oracle Applications we will find some of the tables with suffix ‘_ALL’.

These are nothing but multi_org tables,which are having multiple organizations data. There will be a common column Org_Id.System will insert Org_id value into this column internally from the profile called MO:OPERATING_UNIT.

Multi_Org Views:

For every Multi_Org table there will be a multi_org view without ‘_ALL’ in the view name. This multi_org view will be created based on the multi_org table including where clause ‘where org_id=fnd_profile.value ('ORG_ID')’. Its one of the RDBMS variable containing user org_id value. Whenever user connects to the database system will find out user org_id value through profile and inserts into the variable.

Q:How will you find out that an organization is Multi_Org enabled or not?

Ans: Select multi_org_flag from fnd_product_groups

Y -à Enabled

N -à Not Enabled/Setups Missed

Important Tables in each of the levels in Multi_org hierarchy:




Business Group



Set of books



Legal Entity



Operating Unit



Inv. Org.



Sub Inventory



Stock Location







A. If we use Multiorg Table we will get all the Organizations Data

B. If we use Multiorg View we will get the data which is related to User


C.While Developing or Customizing the RICE Components in Oracle Apps

we are suppose to use the Multiorg Views not Multiorg Table.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

SQL Coding Standards

This is Vijay Bhaskar Reddy, Working as a Oracle Apps Sr. Technical Consultant. I want to share my experience with all of you through this blog( If you are having any queries feel free to mail me at

SQL Coding Standards

  1. Standard keywords, standard or custom package/function names, Table alias, operators are in upper case (e.g. SELECT, DBMS_OUTPUT etc.)
  2. Column names, column alias, table names, view names are in lower case.
  3. SQL statements are indented/aligned as per coding standards doc.(e.g given below) Each ‘Clause’ of SQL statement starts in a new line.
    SELECT RCT.trx_number invoice_number
    ,RCT.trx_date invoice_date
    ,SUM(APS.amount_due_original) invoice_amount
    FROM ra_customer_trx RCT
    ,ar_payment_schedules APS
    WHERE RCT.customer_trx_id = APS.customer_trx_id
    AND APS.class = ‘INV’
    AND RCT.completed_flag = ‘Y’
    AND RCT.customer_trx_id IN (
    SELECT DISTINCT ARA.customer_trx_id
    FROM ar_receivable_applications ARA
    GROUP BY RCT.trx_number
    ORDER BY RCT.trx_number;
  4. Only one column/expression, table or selectivity condition appears on one line.
  5. Comma separating the columns, tables or parameters comes at beginning of lines, not at end.
  6. SELECT clause of sub-query starts on a new line.
  7. No more than 3 parameters of a function (standard or custom) per line.
  8. If parameter is an expression or nested function, then each expression or nested function appears on new lines.
  9. Only one join condition appears in one line.
  10. Keywords: AND or OR appears at the beginning of line (and not at the end).
  11. The column names are not unnecessarily abbreviated.
  12. Column name are inter-connected using ‘_’ (e.g. error_code instead of errorcode)
  13. Each table (except for dual) has a table alias.
  14. The table alias is formed using the first characters of ‘parts’ of table name.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Further Person Information not Displaying on People | Enter And Maintain Form

Oracle Human Resources - Version: 11.5.10
Issue with Perwshrg.fmb , further person information DDF

further person information DFF modifications means display different information are not displaying under the Employment Tab of the People Form.This is restricted functionality.

Solution :
Further person Information flexfield is not a Descriptive Flexifield it's a Developer Descriptive Flexifield. This is a restricted functionality.

Developer Descriptive flexfields are reserved for Development & should not be modified.You can see this flexfield information for 'US' legislation's , in PUI on person form, inthe 'Empolyment' tab,All fields with in this tab belongs to this flexifield.

Srinivas Ramineni

Purging Related to SYS ADMIN & WORKFLOW

This document describes archiving across applications, how to submit the purge processes, purging criteria for records, what information does and does not get purged, the tables information is purged from and how to restore archived information.

System Administration

Archiving Audit Data:

Auditing is the main feature that produces high impact on Applications But it is a very useful tool use it with proper planning.

Disable auditing using the “Disable – Prepare for Archive” and running the Audit Trail Update Tables report.

Archiving it.

Set the Archive group to Disable Purge Table and running the Audit Trail Update tables report.

Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data:

Use this program to delete:

1. Request log files, concurrent manager log files, ad report output files from your product directories maintained by the operating system

2. Records (rows) from Application Object Library database tables that contain history information about concurrent requests and concurrent manager processes.

Use this program to compute performance statistics for each of the concurrent programs, if the Concurrent: Collect Request Statistics profile option is set to “Yes”.

Purge Signon Audit Data:

Use this program to purge Sign-On Audit information created before a specified date.

The following data is deleted:

1. Data for who signs on and for how long

2. Data for who is selecting what responsibility and when they do it

3. Data for who uses which forms in an application and when

Purge Obsolete Generic File Manager Data:

To purge uploaded files form the Generic File Manager, run the concurrent program, Purge Obsolete Generic File Manager Data.

This concurrent program should also be used to periodically delete obsolete data. It is recommended that you schedule this program to run every day or so, using the default parameter values.


To purge the workflow runtime tables use the standard concurrent program FNDWFPR ”Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Data”.


Navigate to the Submit Requests form in Oracle Applications to submit the Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Data concurrent program.

You can supply the following parameters for the Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Data concurrent program:

Item Type----The item type to purge. Leaving this field blank defaults to purging the runtime data for all item types.

Item Key----The item key to purge. Leaving this field blank defaults to purging the runtime data for all item keys.

Age----Minimum age of data to purge, in days.

Persistence Type----The persistence type to be purged, either ’TEMP’ for Temporary or ’PERM’ for Permanent. The default is ’TEMP’.

Note: If you have implemented Oracle Applications Manager, you can use Oracle Workflow Manager to submit and manage the Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Data concurrent program.

Srinivas Ramineni
Oracle Apps DBA

Provide Access to "AME Tranaction Types" to a user

This is Srinivas Ramineni.

These steps flourishes the way to "How to Provide Access to "AME Tranaction Types" to a user

1) AME restricts access to "AME Transaction Types" using Data Security. To access AME and useit,the user needs to select a transaction type. But the transaction types that the user can select inthe AME Dashboard is restricted by data security.

2) Access to AME transaction types to a user can be setup as follows:
· Login as Administrator
· Select Functional Administrator responsibility
· Select Grants Tab
· Click on Create Grant
· Select "Specific User" as grantee type
· Select the User as grantee key
· Select "AME Transaction Types" as object
· In the next page there will be 3 options for instance type:
1. All rows: This grants access to all AME Transaction Types to the User
2. Instance: This grants access to the AME Transaction Type(1) specified by the following parameters:

FND_APPLICATION_ID => Application ID of the application to which the transaction type belongs
TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID => Unique identifier of the AME Transaction type within application
3. Instance set: This grants access to AME Transaction Types(>=1) specified by the following parameters:
* Use the seeded instance set "AME Transaction Type Instance Set"
* In the next page select FND_APPLICATION_ID as Parameter1 and a wild card search string for TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID as Parameter2.

In the next page, select "AME Calling Applications" as the permission set
· Review and Finish.

NOTE: Please note that it is possible that AME screens fail to appear for the user even after doing the above setup. This can happen if the workflow event system is not properly setup.

If u have any doubts please feel free to contact.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

OPM Profile issue

there is no LOV values like YES or No
there is only options like below

GMF:Use OPM Revenue Account for AR Update
Default : 1
Options :
0 =No
1 = Yes
Description : User OPM Revenue Account.
Recommended Change Levels : Site Level

there is no need to create LOV for profiles .
Default it is "1 " means " yes"
if u want to change it to "NO" use "0"

if u have any doubts feel free to contact.
---Srinivas Ramineni

Saturday, September 22, 2007

OPM Profile Option

We are implementing OPM Module. I have one small problem in OPM Profile options.

In Profile Option name GMF: User OPM Revenue Account for AR Update Profile option does not have any list of values.
Actually as per the User guide it should have Yes or No values. Could you please anyone suggest how do we create the LOV for that profile option?

Nairobi (Kenya)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Form Customization through Custom.pll

This is Rakesh.C . I am an Oracle Apps Technical Consultant working in APL Hyderabad.In this post i am giving some of the facts about Custom.pll in Customizing the Oracle Forms.If you have any queries contact on

Oracle Apps contains set of forms, reports and other concurrent programs designed and integrated to meet the needs of specific business functionality.
In order to customize the reports and other concurrent programs we need to download the program from the server and we have to make the customizations.

There are 2 ways to customize the form in the oracle apps.they are the source (form) from AU_TOP dir, then start customize the form & the custom.pll from AU_TOP/resource dir, then start customize the form according to specific events

The Custom.pll is a Oracle forms pl/sql library which is used for the optimization of Oracle Forms. Through custom.pll we can customize with 2 types of events.They are
1.Generic events and
2. Product specific events

Generic events includes:

Specialn (where n is a number between 1 & 45)
Key-Fn (n is between 1 and 8)

Product-specific events includes:

In order to code the logic through custon.pll we have to mainly observe the following things
2.Blockname and
3.In which event, logic has to be fired

In order to support the various functionality we have to explicitly add the corresponding packages like APPCORE2 etc. APPCORE2 library supports the same functionality as APPCORE package. The main reason for not attaching the APPCORE package to the custom because custom is attached to the APPCORE so it would cause a recursion problem.

Custom.pll contains the following functions and procedures
Function zoom_available return BOOLEAN;
Function style (event_name varchar2) return integer;
Procedure event (event_name varchar2);

Zoom_available function returns the zoom status of the form and block. Style function is used, whenever there is logic for the particular form for particular event and through custom.pll if we used the same event then we can use the style function to change the order of execution for the two same events. And event procedure is used to write the code for various events for the particular form and block based on the customization.

By using this functions and procedures in custom.pll we can easily customize the business login of the forms.